Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back exercises

To keep your back in good working order, and to develop both thickness and a V-taper, you need a comprehensive approach that works not only your lats -- those muscles you feel under your shoulder blades when you cross your arms -- but also commonly neglected muscles that help retract your shoulder blades and maintain your posture.
While many people rely on overhand grips, most back exercises should also be performed using a reverse grip in order to keep the muscles stimulated. The reverse grip offers at least two distinct advantages. First, it maximizes the stretch on rows and pull-downs by lengthening the lats slightly more than neutral (thumbs facing up) and overhand grips can. Second, it increases the activation of the biceps, which contract to turn your wrist into the palms-up position.
It sounds simple, but this plan can go a long way toward guaranteeing the long-term integrity of your back. Years from now, when you roll over in bed and feel like a champ instead of a punching bag, you'll thank us.