Wednesday, November 19, 2008


The routine is simple enough to perform at home, at your convenience and it will mold your physique to your impressive best.
The workout combines cardiovascular exercises that will help burn the excess fat and weight-training to build and shape up your muscles, while giving you great posture.
You will need:
A pair of 2 kilo and 3 kilo dumbbells
A bar for pull-ups
A mat
A mirror to watch yourself work out
Sweat it out with cardio!
Pick from cycling, spinning, swimming, cycling , kick-boxing and aerobics. It is important to choose an exercise you enjoy and nothing works quite as well as mixing them all up. It keeps boredom at bay and mainly keeps the body constantly challenged.
Cardio workouts should be performed five to six days a week, for at least 30 minutes at a brisk, non-stop pace.
Remember to get warmed up for five to seven minutes before you begin, so as to warm up your muscles and prevent injuries. A five to seven minute cool-down period is also needed to slowly lower your heart rate, followed by some simple stretches to ease up the muscles.
To get ripped, the weight training routine elaborated upon in the following pages is to be performed on alternate days.