Monday, December 15, 2008

Why Power Yoga Works

Power yoga complements your normal gym workout in two ways: It counteracts some of the negative aspects of weight work and sports training, and it's a terrific way to build functional strength.
"Lifting weights, running, racket sports, cycling and other activities are highly contractive," says Steve Ilg, who's competed in world championships in four sports (snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, mountain biking and sandshoeing) and authored a book, The Winter Athlete. "Combined with sitting at a desk all day, you end up with chronically compressed connective tissue and tight, restricted muscles in your shoulders, hamstrings, hips and lower back." The result: a kinked-up, hunched-over posture and a greater susceptibility to injury.
The antidote? A once-a-week shot of power yoga. Its dynamic mix of stretches, squats and presses, all done while struggling to maintain balance, leaves you with supple muscles, a taller walk, and increased strength under natural movement, what Ilg calls "functional strength."