Friday, November 7, 2008

Stay away from Crash Diets

Crash diets are named in different ways based on the key food the diet recommends or the person who initiated it. Whatever the case may be, it is not advisable to use these diets as they are not balanced nutritionally. Firstly, they lack in key nutrients the body requires apart from vitamins and minerals. Hence one feels tired and weak throughout this period. Secondly, the body metabolism slows down, as it adapts itself to the low calorie diet and hence burns fewer calories and fat. Thirdly, in the process of losing weight, one would actually lose muscle mass. This is not desirable as this is what makes the body a fat burning machine. People who lose weight on crash diets fail to realize that they will regain the lost weight quickly once they resume their normal eating patterns. Hence the safest and the healthiest way to lose excess weight are through well-balanced nutritious diet and regular exercise. REMEMBER THERE ARE NO SHORT-CUTS TO WEIGHT LOSS. Meet your dietician today for a customized diet plan.